Chapter Nine

emma walked into the living room where the guys were talking,"hey bri, i ne...whoa..." she said as she noticed nick. he was wearing a black pinstripe suit, with a forest green silk shirt, his hair slicked back and his glasses.

both guys turned around and nick whistled under his breath. brian glanced at him with raised eyebrows,"wow em..."nick said walking over to her and kissing her on the cheek.

emma blushed,"...what?"

""nick said smiling at her.

brian rolled his eyes,"em, i think hes trying to tell you that he thinks you look good."

nick nodded and emma laughed,"well in that case, so do you nick."

"anyways, em what were you saying when you came down here?" brian asked.

"huh?...oh yeah, i need a jacket...i know you have lots of them..."

nick shook his head,"...its kind of warm out there so you really dont need one and if you do get cold ill keep you warm..." he said and winked at her.

she laughed and brian rolled his eyes again,"...yes nick, could we be a little more obvious please? i dont think she gets your hint..."

nick gave brian a look,"okay boys, be nice please..."emma said.

"sorry em, have fun," brian mumbled. he kissed her on the cheek and went upstairs.

"i wonder whats bothering him..." emma said.

nick shrugged and offered her his arm,"...shall we?"

she smiled and took his arm,"of course."

he took her to a small quiet restaurant where they had dinner then sat in the restaurant for a while enjoying each others company. "hey em, you wanna go somewhere else?" nick asked after they had been sitting the restaurant talking for about an hour after dinner.


he smiled and pulled out her chair so she could get up,"'ll see..."

she took his hand and followed him out to the car. they drove for about 10 minutes before nick pulled up to the beach. he got out and went around to emmas side to help her out,"...damn boy...youve got an obsession with the water..." emma said as she got out of the car and took his hand.

he laughed and started walking down towards the waters edge," might want to go barefoot...its probably easier..."

she went back to the car, threw her shoes inside and went back over to nick,"better?" he nodded and took her hand.

they walked down the beach to the waters edge,"...i think im glad i moved here from cali..." emma said softly.

"im glad you moved here too,"nick said squeezing her hand and smiling down at her.

she realized it was going to turn into a mushy moment if she didnt do something and she hated mushy moments,"hey nick...look..." she said pointing to the water.

nick turned and looked,"...what am i looking at exactly sweetie?"

she smiled and pushed him making him stumble into the water, soaking the bottom of his pants. he looked back at her with his mouth open," are SO going to regret that..."

"uh huh..." she blew him a kiss and started running down the beach. he ran after her catching her and picking her up in his arms. he walked towards the water and stopped after his feet were a couple inches under.

"nick...what are you doing...?" she asked looking down at the water then up at him.

he smiled sweetly at her,"what do you think i should do?"

"put me down...on the beach, not in the water...please...?"

"i think it would be more fun if i just dropped you in the water..." he said while setting her down. "...but since im SUCH a nice guy..."

"nick this water is cold!" emma screamed and started to run out of the water.

nick started laughing and grabbed her hand,"wait...i told you if you got cold i would keep you warm..."

"okay then give me your jacket and let me out of the water..."

"i have a better idea," he said softly. he pulled her close to him and kissed her.

they pulled up to brians house about 2:30. nick got out and helped emma out,"you want to come in?" she asked as they walked to the door. "we got ice cream..."

he smiled and nodded. she unlocked the door and let them both into the house,"we should be quiet cause bri is probably asleep," she whispered.

he nodded and followed her into the kitchen,"okay..." she said opening the freezer,"mint chocolate chip or chocolate chip cookie dough?"

"hmm...what are you having?" he asked hopping up onto the counter.

"mint chocolate chip."

"then ill have cookie dough and we can share..."

"k, that works..." she took out both flavors and scooped out some for both of them. as she was putting them back into the freezer brian came into the kitchen.

"hey bri...did we wake you?" emma asked. "we tried to be as quiet as possible..."

he shook his head and took nicks bowl of ice cream out of his hands and helped himself,"i wasnt asleep."


emma laughed and gave nick hers,"here...ill start with the other one when hes done."

nick smiled. "so anyways bri...why werent you asleep?" emma asked knowing exactly why he wasnt asleep.

brian shrugged,"just couldnt sleep i where did you two go?"

"dinner then nick took me to the beach, tried to drown me in the ocean but other than that it was fun..."

nick laughed,"i did not, you were the one that pushed me."

"shh...just eat your ice cream," she said and put a spoonful into his mouth.

"mmm...this is good...wanna taste?" he asked smirking.

"yeah, gimme the spoon..."

"no...i have a better idea," he said and leaned down and kissed her.

brian rolled his eyes," case you didnt notice im standing right here."

"yeah, we noticed," nick mumbled still kissing emma.

emma laughed and pulled away from him,"sorry bri."

he shook his head and handed her the bowl,"im going to bed...nick we have a meeting tomorrow, dont you think you should go soon?"

nick raised his eyebrows,"...yeah...ill leave soon DAD..."

"i didnt mean...just....nevermind, night em," he kissed her on the cheek and went upstairs.

"i wonder whats bothering him..."nick mumbled.

emma shrugged,"no clue...maybe hes just stressed cause of the tour..."

"maybe...he was right though, i should go," he set the bowl on the counter and hopped down. he took her hand and went to the door. "ill call you tomorrow...actually, ill see you cause everyone going on the tour has to ill see you tomorrow," he said and kissed her softly.

she smiled,"night...sweet dreams," she called to him as he walked to his car.

he reached the drivers side and turned and smiled at her,"...dont worry, i always dream about you."

emma picked up the phone and called daisy. after four rings, just as emma was about to hang, daisy answered breathlessly,"hello?"

"hey daze...its emma..."

"oh hey...sorry about that...i was outside....whats up?"

" was your date? where did he take you? what did you do?" emma asked.

daisy laughed,"get right to it huh? actually...i wanted to find about yours too...why dont we go to lunch...ill call amanda..."

"okay, that works. how about....rainforest cafe in an hour?" emma asked.

"okay...see you in an hour," daisy said and hung up.

"so spill," amanda said to both girls as she joined them at the restaurant.

"you first," daisy said to emma.

emma laughed,"okay...well he took me to dinner at some fancy restaurant with a name neither one of us could pronounce, we stayed there for like two hours then we went to the beach and spent like another two hours there....that was it, he brought me home after that."

"he really likes taking you to the beach huh?" daisy asked.

emma smiled and nodded," thats because he really likes you em...i dont think blondie has ever taken another girl on his boat...didnt you say he let you steer too?" emma nodded,"okay...he doesnt even let brian steer the boat...anyways, one question...what did you two do for two hours at the beach exactly?"

emma and daisy laughed,"nothing...took a walk, watched the stars...he tried to point out the planets to me...but...well...he didnt know what he was talking about...he was cute trying though," emma said before all three girls started laughing.

"okay your turn daze," amanda said.

daisy blushed,"um...well...kev took me to this really fancy french restaurant then miami..."

emmas jaw dropped,"say that again...."

daisy laughed,"we were going to stay here but he thought it might be more fun if we went to miami since i told him i had never been. so he just decided to drive down, we got home about five this morning..."

"our kevin?" amanda asked. "kevin richardson whose never done a spontaneous thing in his life?"

daisy smiled,"the very one."

"wow...good job daze..."

"what about you amanda? what did you do last night..." daisy asked.

amanda smirked,"i dont kiss and tell..."she said as the waiter came over and took their orders.

daisys jaw dropped and emma burst out laughing,"you may not...but im sure we can get it from aj..."emma said.

amanda laughed,"and you honestly think aj would tell you the truth?"

both girls laughed,"okay...good point..."

emma walked into the house swinging her purse and singing,"hey bri i home!" she yelled.

"im in the kitchen em!" brian yelled back.

she dropped her bag on the couch and wandered into the kitchen where brian was trying to explain something to nick who was leaning against the counter nodding.

"hey boys," emma said kissing each guy on the cheek. "bri...what are you talking about?"

"the basketball game that was on last night..."brian said.

emma rolled her eyes,"oh yay..."

nick smiled and put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him," actually interested."

" two talk, im gonna go up to my room. call me when you done," she said sliding out of nicks grasp and going up to her room.

she had been up in her room for about 10 minutes laying on the bed on her stomach watching tv when there was a knock on the door,"come in," she said.

nick walked in and sat on the edge of the bed,"what cha watchin?" he asked twirling her hair around his finger.

"keep doing that and its gonna get stuck," she said laughing,"im watching winnie the pooh...dont say a word, yes i know im too old for cartoons especially pooh."

he laughed,"hey! i still watch cartoons, nothin wrong with that....anyways, are you too busy to go for a walk?"

"hmm...depends on with who..."

"me of course...your wonderful boyfriend,"he said smiling down at her.

she rolled onto her side and looked at him,"well in that case, i strongly have to think about it..."

he raised his eyebrows and looked at her,"...well...i guess i should try and help you decide huh?"

"well now that i think about it...."

he smiled and leaned down to kiss her just as brian walked in the room and burst out laughing at the sight of them,"sorry guys, didnt mean to interrupt."

emma smiled and pushed nick back,"its okay bri, we were about to go for a walk anyways. come on nick," she said getting off the bed and pulling him up with her.

nick made a face,"man frick...i was this close..."he said holding his pointer finger and thumb about an inch apart from each other.

emma raised her eyebrows,"...that close to what nicky?"

"oooh...she did not just call you that..."brian said trying not to laugh.

"actually,"nick said wrapping his arms around emma and kissing the back of her neck," sounds kind of cute when she says it..."

brian rolled his eyes," two are so...whats the word...?"

"cute?" emma asked leaning back against nick.

brian shook his head," the word im looking for is cheesy i think...anyways, you two go have fun...dont stay out too late..."

nick rolled his eyes,"bri...its only sure we'll be back before midnight."

"im sure you will smartass..."

emma rolled her eyes,"boys stop it...bri we wont be gone long, i promise." she gave him a kiss on the cheek and pulled nick out of the room and out of the house with her. "so where are we going?"

"just to the park," he said as he started swinging her hand back and forth as they headed down the sidewalk.

they reached the park and nick walked them towards the playground,"come on...ill push you," he said as he headed to the swings.

she smiled and sat down. she was swinging for about five minutes before she finally realized nick wasnt pushing her anymore. she turned around and didnt see him behind her,"...the boy just wanders off..." she mumbled to herself. she slowed the swing down and dragged her foot back and forth across the sand.

suddenly her swing stopped completely and a red rose appeared in front of her over her shoulder. "roses are red..." nick started and she smiled.

"violets are blue...thats was it..."he mumbled to himself. "...damn...i had it memorized..."

emma bit her lip to keep from laughing as she listened to him talking to himself. he snapped his fingers,"...roses are red...violets are stole my heart...and i love you,"he finished proudly.

emmas jaw dropped. she took the rose and turned around on her swing,"....really?" she asked softly.

he noded and held the chains so she wouldnt spin back,"with all my heart," he said and kissed her softly.

[Chapter Ten] [True Love Home]